Understanding climate and addressing the challenges of climate change requires sustained efforts that unify the talents of many. An important goal of us is to help educate and mentor the next generation of climate and Earth system scientists, and to contribute to making climate science more diverse and inclusive.
We contribute to the teaching of climate issues to a broad audience of students. We have contributed to the UNIVIE MOOC “KliMO: Klimawandel – Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen” in 2021, and we continue to contribute to the related Erweiterungscurriculum at the UNIVIE Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy. We also teach meteorology and climate science for the MSc Computational Science of UNIVIE.
A complete list of our past and ongoing teaching activities can be retrieved for individual team members from https://ufind.univie.ac.at (e.g., for Aiko Voigt).
We continously offer topics for BSc and MSc theses related to our research. If you are interested in working with us please get in contact with Aiko Voigt. To learn more about how we advise students, please take a look at our guidelines for BSc students and MSc students. Interested students should also study our team values and culture and have a look at our guidelines for writing and plotting.
MSc Theses
- Patricia Schluschanek (ongoing): Klimawandel und Photovoltaik-Ertrag
- Isabella Winterer (ongoning): Earth as an exoplanet
- Natalie Auer (ongoing): Equatorial waves and precipitation in CMIP models
- David Merei (ongoing): Cloud-radiative heating and extratropical cyclones
- Anatol Waba (2024): Snowball Earth and waterbelt states in ExoCAM, https://utheses.univie.ac.at/detail/71767.
- Maximilian Meindl (2024): Changes in heatwave properties under climate change, https://utheses.univie.ac.at/detail/70854.
- Kerstin Haslehner (2023): Cloud radiative effects of high-level clouds and their impact on climate, https://utheses.univie.ac.at/detail/67015.
- Klara Butz (2022): The radiative impact of clouds on extratropical cyclones, https://utheses.univie.ac.at/detail/63718.
- Manuel Huber (2022): Atmospheric and surface pathways of the cloud-radiative impact on the circulation response to warming, https://utheses.univie.ac.at/detail/63548/.
BSc Theses
- Jakob Domenig (2024): Extracting forced warming signals from daily temperature patterns across different scales
- Stephan Hajek (2024): Analyse eines Fehlers in der Definition der Hitzemetrik Cumulative Heat
- Paul Splechtna (2024): Identification and characterisation of cloud objects using connected component labelling in nextGEMS cycle 3 ICON simulations
- Paulina Grüneis (2023): Atmosphärische Wolkenstrahlungseffekte von Eiswolken und deren Auswirkungen auf das Klima
- David Schuhbauer (2022): Niederschlagsvariabilität in der Sahelzone auf der täglichen Skala in expliziten Konvetionsmodellen und TRACMIP Simulationen
- Natalie Auer (2022): Wolkenstrahlungseffekte in einer Schneeball-Erde-Simulation
- Romana Springer (2022): Wie beeinflusst eine globale Erwärmung den Eisgehalt in der Atmosphäre? Eine Analyse mithilfe von Klimamodellen des CMIP6